No More Wet Fur Baby


Grapefruit, Patchouli & Bergamot

Grapefruit is uplifting and fresh with the added benefit of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities while blended with Patchouli. The essence of the Bergamot evokes feelings of calm and contentment and promotes overall well-being.

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Grapefruit is uplifting and fresh with the added benefit of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities while blended with Patchouli. The essence of the Bergamot evokes feelings of calm and contentment and promotes overall well-being.

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Oil Instructions

Oil Safety

Always dilute essential oils before applying them to your skin. Essential oils are very potent and can cause skin irritation if used undiluted.

Do a patch test before applying essential oils to your skin. Apply a small amount of diluted oil to your skin and wait 24 hours to see if you have any adverse reactions.

Use high-quality carrier oils for dilution. Popular carrier oils include sweet almond oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and grapeseed oil.

Use glass or stainless steel containers to store and mix your essential oils. Plastic containers can react with the oils and cause damage.

Keep essential oils away from your eyes and ears. If you accidentally get oil in these areas, flush with plenty of cool water.

Always consult a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional if you have concerns about using essential oils.

How To Enjoy Your Oil

Bath & Shower : The essential oil is inhaled through the aromatic steam whilst you are relaxing in the bath or shower, as well as being absorbed by the skin. Add up to 5 drops in 2 tbsp bath oil, shower gel, or carrier oil to massage your skin. Alternatively, add five drops to a warm bath or 1 to 2 drops to your chosen base oil for a relaxing massage.

Inhalation: This technique helps to clear your mind and soothe your senses. Add 4–6 drops to a bowl of steaming water, place a towel over your head and breathe. If you have sensitive skin and asthmatics should not inhale directly. Instead, place the bowl of hot water with added oils in the room nearby.

Massages: Relax your body, mind, and soul while helping to soothe aching muscles. Use up to 7 drops in 1 tbsp of base oil. Use up to 3 drops in 1 tbsp of base oil if you have sensitive skin. Not suitable for children under two years old.

Diffusers & Burners: Use your essential oil as a natural air freshener; this technique creates a relaxing ambience and mood. Add 1–3 drops in a diffuser or burner.